Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Recently a friend referred me to Digsby. Digsby is essentially an instant messaging interface. Above that Digsby is a social networking interface. Digsby handles my Windows Live messenger account, my Facebook and Facebook Chat accounts, and my Twitter account. If you're not familiar with any of these things check out the links. Digsby is very powerful because it can do so much more. You could add your AIM and/or Yahoo! account(s) and it would aggregate all of your contacts so you could completely not care who is on what interface, but could talk to them all with one simple interface. If you use instant message (AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, Google Talk, ICQ, Jabber, and Facebook Chat) and/or Social Networks (Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter) you should definitely check out Digsby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey it looks cool, i love u.