A couple of weeks ago I saw the MintyBoost on the Make Blog. I have had some experience with electronics before. I ordered a DIY guitar pedal from Build Your Own Clone. When I ordered it, it came with a Confidence Booster Circuit, which is a very simple circuit which boosts a guitar signal, sort of like a volume switch. I did pretty well on that, but I could never get the real pedal, a Tube Screamer to clone the TS-808 to work correctly. Anyway, I ordered the MintyBoost last Monday and it arrived at my house on Thursday. Friday night My Fiancee and I put the thing together. If you’ve never done an electronics project and you are interested I would highly recommend starting here. There aren’t many parts and there are no switches or knobs to worry about mounting on the case. I haven’t finished mounting the whole project in the Altoids Tin, but other than that I’ve got it completed. All in all the project will take about thirty minutes to assemble and put in the case. The assembly was very simple and easy. The charger works perfectly and automatically started to charge my iPod. I’ve posted some pics of the final result. To see more about the product you can check out Lady Ada for more information.
[image: It seems wrong that Fruit by the Foot is only sold by weight or by
number of rolls.]
2 days ago
Did you have to do the soldering yourself? Or was it just slid it in the tin and your ready to go?
I did do the soldering myself. That was most of the fun of the project for me! It didn't take very long and wasn't very involved, but it was fun soldering all the parts on the board.
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